Saturday, April 21, 2012

Not So Incy Wincy Spider

A storm hit last night.  Not your average run of the mill thunder and lighting job but a full on window rattling, house lighting up storm.  We have a tin roof so as I snuggled on the sofa with hubby I was enjoying the sound of rain on the roof.  Then it started the lighting lit the room up as if a light had been switched on.  If this hadn't got my attention the thunder claps were so loud the glass shook in the windows and I nearly wet myself.  Obviously I was not the only ones having issues with the noise.  I hopped off the sofa to check on Princess P (who was sound asleep - she can sleep through anything) and as I did something dropped from the light fitting.  It was a huuuuggggeee spider.  Seriously this things body alone would have been the size of a 50c piece and the legs just added to it's scariness.  As I squealed it turned and ran back up the wall and into a vent.  Hubby was hardly concerned, I however lay in bed later imaging it crawling across me in the night.  I will be on the look out for this monster of a creature and will have my camera ready to grab a photo.  Then me and my good friend google will try to work out what the hell breed it is and if it is likely to try to devour me in my sleep.

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